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Two Reviews for We Will Find A Place For You

We Will Find a Place for You is my latest horror story collection, and probably my weirdest. I approached it like it was a double album. There’s something magical about double albums. They’re sprawling, experimental, and weird. For all the reasons some people despise them, I can’t get enough. I wanted to capture that feel with this collection. Now that this book is out in the world, reviews are trickling in!

Ksenia Murray, author of the excellent collection, Compendium of Creatures, reviewed We Will Find a Place for You on Kendall Reviews, giving it four out of five stars! “Elford Alley’s newest horror collection, We Will Find a Place for You, grabbed me from the very beginning with the first story…”

David Szweduik, author, review, podcaster, and creator of AIC Stories, also took time to review We Will Find a Place for You! “Elford Alley does this so well, establishing and maintaining a solid base in humanity in all of his stories, which leaves you really feeling connected to his dark tales.”

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Well Read Beard and Steve Talks Books Review Ash & Bone

Ash & Bone: Tales of Terror is my second short story collection, and one with a focus on monsters human and otherwise. I was so excited to see two great voices in indie reviews take a look at it!

Well Read Beard is an indie reviewer extraordinaire, and one who loves short stories. His Shorts On Shorts series is a must-watch for any fans of short fiction. If you love indie books, you gotta subscribe. Here’s his review of my collection.

Steve Talks Books puts a major focus on all things horror and grimdark, and he was kind enough to take a look at Nature of the Business, the first story in Ash & Bone. Steve has some fantastic interviews with indie horror authors. Again, a must-subscribe.

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Trick Or Tweet 2021!

Trick or Tweet 2021 is a simple exercise. Everyday in October, writers will create a tweet-sized story. Gabino Iglesias (who wrote Coyote Songs, which you should read) came up with the idea, and Villimey Mist (who wrote The Nocturnal Series, which you should read) created a prompt for each day! This has been super fun, and below are the tweets I came up with for each day. The prompts are hash-tagged in each one!

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Camp Summerside

camp summerside Since we’re still baking in a hotter-than-usual summer, (a result of the climate hell that will be the only lasting legacy of our doomed specie lol), why not share a slasher story? Enjoy the orientation materials for the new members of Unit A at Camp Summerside! The elite squad responsible for keeping campers safe from a certain lumbering killing machine…

This one also has Easter Eggs!

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