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Dark Alleys in 2025!

Proud to announce that The Zervis Department will be publishing an illustrated collection of horror stories in 2025, called Dark Alleys! I just finished the illustrations, aside from some final touch-ups. 19 short stories/novelettes, and 19 drabbles and poems, each with their own creepy illustration. This will be an epic collection, can’t wait for you all to read it!

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A Haunted Holiday in ’24

Remember how Cemetery Gates Media took a chance on my first kids book, A Cemetery Stroll? Well, there’s a sequel out in the fall! The story is simple. Hazel is overwhelmed at a family holiday and escapes to the woods, finding the cabin of her great aunt. There, her and Great Aunt Loretta exchange spooky stories, featuring Pet Spider and The Thing. I love Christmas ghost stories, and I really want this to be M.R. James for kids. I can’t wait you all to see it!

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Visit Showman’s Rest

Once again, proud to have a 100-word drabble as part of Hungry Shadow Press‘ Deadly Drabble Tuesday! You can find it right here. This one is about a visit to Showman’s Rest in Hugo, OK, a cemetery dedicated to people who lived and worked in the circus. There’s is nothing wrong with visiting a cemetery. You can even gawk at a grave IF that was how it was meant (Near my home is a cemetery with a parking meter gravestone that is absolutely meant to be photographed and laughed at). But you have to have respects. Always.

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I’m Going to Be at Zervcon 2024!

Hey, my first con visit is booked! I’m going to the first annual Zervcon, hosted by WB Zervis of The Zervis Department. Zervis recently published The Terrousel of Unimaginable Horror and the Egregious Dismanting of Reality, which features stories from Coy Hall, Matt Wildasin, and Michael Sellars.

The con takes place in Cape Cod on October 5th and 6th. I’ll be there slinging books and I hope to see you there! Also, this portrait was made as a promotional image for the con and goddamn it, I love it.

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Apartment 239: The Series?!

Well, big news on the Apartment 239 front: Screen Queensland is working with Wattpad and Webtoons to adapt my novel Apartment 239 into a TV series!

Here’s a link to the announcement.

This is still in the very early stages, but it’s far enough along that I can announce it. A very exciting development, and a full circle moment too. Apartment 239 started as a pilot script. I even pitched it a few times and somewhere around here I have the pitch bible. That said, that version was very much a broad comedy, there were considerable changes when I make it a novel. I’m excited to see what they do with it!

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High Strangeness Has Arrived!

It’s here! You can pick up the sequel to Apartment 239, which also acts as a standalone novel, everywhere books are sold! Seriously, you name. Ingram Sparks and beyond! Here’s some deets:

The end starts here! High Strangeness is a standalone tale of cosmic horror that also continues the story of Apartment 239. The lone survivor of a massacre and a trio that buy and sell haunted houses must team up to stop the apocalypse. Before you start the novel grab the FREE short story and get introduced to Haze, the Corpse Walker!

Welcome back to Marble Springs!


Amazon eBook and Paperback:

Everywhere Else

The Corpse Walker

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Drew Blood Narrates “The Blue House” and “The Stone Tree”

I was so excited to hear drew Blood’s epic narration of my stories a few months back, and now he’s taking on two horror stories from my collection We Will Find a Place for You! if you haven’t been listening to Chilling Tales for Dark Nights, you’re missing out. I’m obsessed with this series. You can hear his take on my stories right here.