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Yes, It’s Fucking Political!

TC Parker is a brilliant horror writer, check out Hummingbird and find out for yourself. But she’s also starting this awesome series where horror writers talk about the influence of politics on their work. I was in the first episodes, talking about poverty and the poisonous influence of right-wing politics, and how this informs my scary stories. Check it out right here!

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Make Up Your Dying Bad in Texas Roadkill Volume 8

I’m so excited to announce my story, Make Up Your Dying Bed, is part of Texas Roadkill Volume 8! I love this anthology series, featuring the best of Texas horror. I’ve submitted before, and third times a charm, it seems! So, never give up on your dream publishers/anthologies/magazines.

Edited by Patrick C. Harrison III, and with stories by Joe R. Lansdale, Emma E. Murray, Jae Mazer, Bret McCormick, Madison Estes, Chris Miller, James H. Longmore, Jonathan Louis Duckworth, Robert Stahl, Matt Micheli,
Iphigenia Strangeworth, Jacob Austin, R. L. Olvitt, Lawrence Buentello, Tom Bont, Bev Vincent, and of course, the awesome E. R. Bills.

My story focusing on the last hours of Blind Willie Johnson’s life, spent succumbing to exposure in the burnt remains of his home. As with many blues legends, whose legacies would make millions for others, the man is often forgotten, even if the music survives.

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Check Out “Bad Dreams at Vernon Rest!”

The Nightmare Never Ends, the second anthology from Jennifer Bernardini of Exploding Head Fiction, is out today! This one features my story Bad Dreams at Vernon Rest, which sees a reappearance of the creepy cemetery kids from my story They Eat the Dead. This also features stories by Brian Bowyer, Holly Rae Garcia, Adam Hulse, Mia Dalia, Lena Ng, Patrick Barb, Cat Voleur, Tom Rimer, Phil Ford, Scott Miller, Cindy O’Quinn, and Philip Webb. Plus, killer illustrations by David Bowman!