William Sterling, the horror author who brought us Synapse, has a podcast called Killer Mediums. On each episode, he talks to a different horror author about a specific genre, for example, horror comedies with the great Damien Casey. With me, we talked about the “cabin in the woods” subgenre, from Evil Dead and well, The Cabin in the Woods, to the Friday the 13th game and more. A fun time was had by all, damn it!
Category: Uncategorized
Spend a Night in the Damned House!
Today is the day! The new Velox Books edition of The Last Night in the Damned House has been released! This one features three stories about three generations battling an entity in a haunted farmhouse. There is also Hope, a four-part story that once graced the No Sleep subreddit. Many of these tales were written during a sleepless stretch of 2015/16, when I was working full time and being a stay-at-home dad. Total exhaustion can pay dividends if you survive it. Ha. A couple were added to the TOC in 2019 and 2020. There are nine stories to entertain, and to terrify. I hope you enjoy them!
Who’s Ready to Preorder Last Night in the Damned House?!
Is it you?! Are you ready?!?! Goddamn right you are. The new and improved Velox Books edition of Last Night in the Damned House and Other Ghost Stories will be here on August 1st, and you can preorder right now for just $2.99. In other news, the publication date of the new Ash and Bone: Tales of Terror has been moved up, and is dropping on June 13th! And what of Apartment 239, you ask? Well, it’s being edited as we speak, so expect it this summer on a date that doesn’t conflict with my other books! That’s all the news I have for today. No, wait! My wife bought me a life size wooden cut out of Bigfoot, and now my life is complete in a way I never knew possible.
My Horror Collections Are Joining Velox Books!
Well, I have an exciting announcement. My four horror story collections will be joining Velox Books.
This includes:
The Last Night in the Damned House
Ash and Bone: Tales of Terror
Find Us and Other Stories
We Will Find a Place for You
They’ll be missing from Amazon for a few weeks, but the new and improved editions will be back, and available on multiple platforms, in ebook and paperback. At the moment, there are a handful of paperbacks you can buy on Amazon with the Desert Creek Publishing imprint, so get ’em while you can! If I die unexpectedly, maybe they’ll be worth something!
You can add your email to this mailing list to receive updates on the status of my collections, and a FREE ebook (The Pen Name by David Jacob Knight) for your trouble. I’ll keep you updated!
Talkin’ Squatch on the Ghoulish Podcast
There only a few topics as dear to me as our hairy hominin cousin, Bigfoot. He’s seven feet tall, smells like piss, and will not be photographed in anything other than a blurry state. On the Ghoulish Podcast, I had the chance to talk Bigfoot with Max Booth III! There are laughs. There are tears. God help you.
Let’s All Stare Into The Abyss
Guess who got to talk to Richard Gerlach and Matt Brandenburg all about Joe R. Lansdale’s classic short story, Tight Little Stitches in a Dead Man’s Back? It’s a heartwarming tale-okay, you know that’s a lie. It’s weird, gory, and emotional in a way that only Lansdale could pull off. Learn more about this tale, and the unsettling short film Possibly in Michigan, in this episode.
Review in Scream Magazine!
Guess what? I’ve had my first book review in a magazine! Issue 72 will feature a write up about We Will Find a Place for You. Pretty incredible seeing this in physical media, especially in a magazine as epic as Scream. A huge thank you to Mother Horror herself, Sadie Hartmann! So, be sure to pick up issue 72! Or else…
Well Read Beard and Steve Talks Books Review Ash & Bone
Ash & Bone: Tales of Terror is my second short story collection, and one with a focus on monsters human and otherwise. I was so excited to see two great voices in indie reviews take a look at it!
Well Read Beard is an indie reviewer extraordinaire, and one who loves short stories. His Shorts On Shorts series is a must-watch for any fans of short fiction. If you love indie books, you gotta subscribe. Here’s his review of my collection.
Steve Talks Books puts a major focus on all things horror and grimdark, and he was kind enough to take a look at Nature of the Business, the first story in Ash & Bone. Steve has some fantastic interviews with indie horror authors. Again, a must-subscribe.
A New Website And A Mummified Outlaw!

Welcome to elfordalley.com! Where you will find out about my latest horror stories, read about the weird tourist traps I visit, and of course, cringe at my fringe political beliefs. I’m sorry retail work radicalized me, Joyce, but I won’t apologize for my A Guillotine for Every Billionaire platform, I just won’t! Anyway, today I’m talking about this new fancy site, and failed-bank-robber turned successful-Halloween-decoration, Elmer McCurdy.
Continue reading A New Website And A Mummified Outlaw!