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A Compendium of Creeps Has Arrived!

I’ve been dying to check out this anthology and it’s finally here! This contains my story The Knock-Knock House, but it also contains fiction and nonfiction from an incredible selection of authors. It’s also edited by Joe Sullivan and Joe Provine, who have been assembling this for the past year-and-a-half. Provine has written a ton of Oklahoma ghost story books, which I have obsessively read since relocating there. Seriously, if you love ghost stories, spooky folklore, and urban legends, this is a must-read.

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Apartment 239 Has Arrived!

It’s here! You can officially pick up Apartment 239 in ebook and paperback. It’s the story of Abe, a doomed parks department employee reeling from a recent tragedy, who finds himself with three days to solve the mysterious disappearances in Marble Springs before he joins them.

You can pick up the ebook and paperback from Amazon and Barnes & Noble

Ebooks are also available at Barnes and Noble, Scribd, Apple Books, Kobo, and more!

Also, Google Play!

Of course, you can also order an ebook right here at this website!

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Behold the Book Wrap!

When I brought the cover to Kristina (@nwreader) to create a book wrap, she told me she had a few ideas. The result is a significantly cooler cover, and a killer wrap. I mean, just look at it! A thing of absolute beauty. Seriously, I can’t wait for people to read it. The very first notes of what would become this book were written in Oklahoma, when I lived there briefly in the early 2000s. Now that I’m back, it’s finally going to be available to read. A weird full circle thing, I guess? Anyway, you can preorder it on Amazon, Google Play, and pretty much everywhere else.

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A Killer Talk on Killer Mediums

William Sterling, the horror author who brought us Synapse, has a podcast called Killer Mediums. On each episode, he talks to a different horror author about a specific genre, for example, horror comedies with the great Damien Casey. With me, we talked about the “cabin in the woods” subgenre, from Evil Dead and well, The Cabin in the Woods, to the Friday the 13th game and more. A fun time was had by all, damn it!

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Spend a Night in the Damned House!

Today is the day! The new Velox Books edition of The Last Night in the Damned House has been released! This one features three stories about three generations battling an entity in a haunted farmhouse. There is also Hope, a four-part story that once graced the No Sleep subreddit. Many of these tales were written during a sleepless stretch of 2015/16, when I was working full time and being a stay-at-home dad. Total exhaustion can pay dividends if you survive it. Ha. A couple were added to the TOC in 2019 and 2020. There are nine stories to entertain, and to terrify. I hope you enjoy them!

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Who’s Ready to Preorder Last Night in the Damned House?!

Is it you?! Are you ready?!?! Goddamn right you are. The new and improved Velox Books edition of Last Night in the Damned House and Other Ghost Stories will be here on August 1st, and you can preorder right now for just $2.99. In other news, the publication date of the new Ash and Bone: Tales of Terror has been moved up, and is dropping on June 13th! And what of Apartment 239, you ask? Well, it’s being edited as we speak, so expect it this summer on a date that doesn’t conflict with my other books! That’s all the news I have for today. No, wait! My wife bought me a life size wooden cut out of Bigfoot, and now my life is complete in a way I never knew possible.