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“They Eat the Dead” in Books of Horror Volume 4 Part 2!

Out today! My story “They Eat the Dead” is being featured in the second part of the fourth volume of the Books of Horror anthology series. I hope you will check it out, this is an especially creepy story that I am very proud of. Find fact, a second story featuring the same terrifying children will be in The Nightmare Never Ends anthology, out October 15th.

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A Texas Halloween and More!

Damien Casey and Kyra Torres are two fantastic horror authors, and also hosts of the hilarious podcast Bubble Bath with Baph. They recently put out an epic Halloween anthology called A 3-B Halloween, with stories from a ton of incredible authors, such as Rayne King, Adam Hulse, Caitlin Marceau, Coy Hall, Sarah Jane Huntington, C.J. Sampera, and more! My story is a spin on the classic razors-in-the-candy called A Texas Halloween. I really tried to capture a true Texas Halloween, with sweltering evenings and a sin that hangs on a little too long.  I hope you dig it!

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An Audiobook of Ghost Stories!

The Last Night in the Damned House is now on audiobook! These are ghost stories that definitely benefit from being read aloud. Much of the farmhouse trilogy that makes up the first third is based on real experiences from a haunted house in the community I grew up in. Hope is a great four-part story that was once on Reddit’s r/nosleep, and of course all of these stories lived on Wattpad briefly. They’ve changed quite a bit since then, and I can’t for you to experience them as read by the always epic Geof Sturtevant.

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Ash and Bones: Tales of Terror has returned, with a new edit and formatting from the awesome Velox Books! I’m so excited to this edition hit the shelves and kindles of the world. If you love creepy short stories of monsters and mayhem, and also my anxieties about climate change, the decline of the United States into fascism, and parenthood, well, here it is! Should I talk to a therapist? Probably! But until then, I’m distilling my fears and issues into bite sized morsels of terror. For you. I love you.

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Preorder Ash and Bone: Tales of Terror!

The releases of the Velox Books editions of my collections will begin with Ash and Bone: Tales of Terror! I love this collection, it features some of my favorite stories I’ve written, such as Nature of the Business and Funny Kittens. This collection and Last Night in the Damned House were written at a time when I was working from home with a new baby and just utterly exhausted. I wrote during nap times, or in the middle of the night when my youngest refused to sleep. Hell, a few were written with her sleeping on my shoulder. I think the sleep deprivation gives them an extra layer of weirdness…

You can preorder the ebook for just $2.99, and it will drop on June 22nd. The paperbacks and hardbacks should be available then as well!

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A Trilogy of Terror From Grisly Details!

Don Tackett is a horror aficionado with a voice like smooth velvet, and he’s been reading classic horror stories from legends like Poe and Lovecraft, and new works from incredible modern voices like Brandon Applegate and Steve L. Clark, on hos channel Grisly Details.

So, I was pretty stoked when he took on three of my epistolary tales for his YouTube channel. He doesn’t just read them, he also creates some fantastic videos to accompany them too. Check ’em out:

Marble Springs Cemetery Association

Pete’s Pizzeria

Camp Summerside

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Two Stories Read on Voices From the Mausoleum

I love Voices From the Mausoleum! This podcast features interviews with horror writers and creators, and on the Spooky Saturday Stories episodes, Angel reads selections from of indie horror writers. Last Saturday, my stories The Church on Bethel Cannon Road and The House Beyond the Creek, from the collections We Will Find a Place for You and Find Us and Other Stories, were featured on Spooky Saturday Stories!